Have you ever experienced book withdrawal? That deep yearning to get your hands on a book, your body in relaxation mode and your mind in another world but it's just not possible? You can see the light ahead but it's not feasible at the moment. Well, I have experienced all of this and more in the last month.
I'm back in the cyber world again. In case you noticed my absence....anyone.....we have just completed our move to a new house. Amidst packing, cleaning, showings and sale of property thereof, purchase of current property, and the ensuing work involved in all of this, I have missed books!!!! My life remains packed in boxes, including my many books and other essentials. At 11pm last night we could officially call it done. Now I can get back to life slowly, one box at a time. I yearn to just sit and read a book. Book withdrawal and lack of sleep are my two major things that need addressing.
In the near future, I will have a review for Following Atticus and others that have crept up on me in my absence. My apologies to all, but now I am back!
And now.....
a moment you and I have been anxiously waiting for.......
Cover Reveal for The Casual Vacancy, J.K. Rowling's first book written for adults:
Have you pre-ordered your copy?
I'm so excited for this book, but I'll be waiting for it to release first. I anyway have a lot to read before I'd even get a chance to read this one! :P